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Cash Accounts with Negative balances (equity loans) should display on the portfolio page and be taken into account fore the overall portfolio balance
You have enabled cash accounts with negative balances for equity loans. Excellent! On the main portfolio screen however the balance displays as 0 rather than the actual negative amount (it displays correctly in the actual cash screen when editingthe account). This also affects the overall portfolio balance which is not taking the negative equity loan into account (as it is obviously adding zero balance rather than the negative amount)
Display the negative balance for an equity loan account (cash account) on the portfolio page
1.Create a cash account
2.Do withdrawals from the cash account leaving it in a negative state
3.Go to the main portfolio screen. Balance displays as 0 and therefore the overall portfoliobalance is misleading.
I'm not seeing this behaviour - screenshot from my portolio summary screen below.
I looked into this further following Brenton's feedback. The equity loan functionality appears to be tied (incorrectly in my opinion) to the Time drop down. If I select all time I get the balance of my equity loan displaying, BUT if I select just today my balance goes to zero. The thing is todays balance in theory shows movements for that one day so yes - there was no movement in the equity loan - BUT the overall balance of the portfolio then shows without the equity loan added in. The cash account is not tied to the time drop down so it always appears to show the same value. The share overall value is also not tied into the time drop down. So this seems inconsistent and can present an incorrect view of the portfolio EG
@wayne Good detective work Wayne
@wayne thanks for the feedback on this one. So basically whatever the real world balance was at the end of the date range, that should be what is displayed?
At the moment, it also factors in the start of the date range and will exclude transactions before that.
Yes. If I look at my portfolios now, there is a portfolio balance displayed in the top left corner, and that figure is repeated as the sum of the portfolio at the bottom of the screen under the holdings. If I have the setting to ALL TIME, then I also see my capital return and income return over all time. Obviously when I set it to say the last 30 days The capital return and the income return obviously change to reflect ONLY what has occurred in the last 30 days, HOWEVER the overall balance of the portfolio does not change - it still reflects the current ACTUAL balance of the portfolio using todays prices. I believe this is the correct viewpoint. If there is a cash account attached it also does not change - even though there might have been deposits and withdrawals during the 30 days these are ignored and the final balance of the cash account is displayed. This feels logical to me because the time drop down is just showing me the movement of capital/income on my shares/funds.
However when an equity loan exists, selecting the last 30 days (or any other time period) performs a time slice on the equity loan, and because the equity loan is added up as part of the portfolio the overall portfolio balance changes as well. I think this is misleading. The balance of the portfolio is always the balance of the portfolio, whereas the time slice should just show capital/income movements during that period.
Others might disagree with me, but I believe that the potential for confusion is too high if in one particular setting you have the ability to make your portfolio overall balance display incorrectly. I think the equity loan should be treated in the same way as the cash balance - just display the final figure.
We just released an update to solve this.